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Майсторски истории

Майсторски истории: Страстта да създаваш бъдещето

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The first edition of one of a kind journalist competition organized by “BUILT.BG” – the Bulgarian specialized media for construction and architecture. The competition seeks to embrace authors from different media who tell award-winning stories and give platform to the best, innovative & positive examples in the construction industry. 

“BUILT.BG” would be looking for journalists and authors creating their stories with pen and heart. The competition would give floor to professionals who do not serve personal, corporate or political interests. The media project would be a platform and a shared space that will gather different stakeholders who are passionate about bright and innovative ideas having potential to serve as an example and best practice for the generations to come. 


Mr. Gunter Verheuge

Chairman of the International Advisory Board of GBS – Telling stories of the future 

Mr. Gunter Verheuge

Chairman of the International Advisory Board of GBS – Telling stories of the future 

Mr. Gunter Verheuge

Chairman of the International Advisory Board of GBS – Telling stories of the future 

Mr. Gunter Verheuge

Chairman of the International Advisory Board of GBS – Telling stories of the future 

Mr. Gunter Verheuge

Chairman of the International Advisory Board of GBS – Telling stories of the future 

Mr. Gunter Verheuge

Chairman of the International Advisory Board of GBS – Telling stories of the future 

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Рилският водопровод или защо София пие най-хубавата вода

Автор: Built.bg За разлика от много световни столици и градове, където водата става за битови нужди, но не и за пиене, София е популярна с хубавата си вода. Причината


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„Масивната сграда, гледана отвън, колкото и красива да изглежда, не дава никаква представа за вътрешното модерно устройство. Но когато човек влезе в Съдебната палата, струва му се, че е


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